A failure in “docker-compose start”

TechDocker, English, iptables, Mastodon

I have faced a following error about a Mastodon service on docker when I modified the iptables configuration.

$ cd mastodon/
$ sudo docker-compose start
Starting redis ... error
Starting db ... error
Starting streaming ... error
Starting sidekiq ... error
Starting web ... error

ERROR: for db  Cannot start service db: network 90013e3963b8d4f4908b92362e4bcb78ddbe5c2ccc2eda9d7600ea79e8a3c735 not found

ERROR: for redis  Cannot start service redis: network 90013e3963b8d4f4908b92362e4bcb78ddbe5c2ccc2eda9d7600ea79e8a3c735 not found
ERROR: No containers to start


I found an discussion https://github.com/docker/compose/issues/5745
I could avoid this error by "--force-recreate" option.

$ docker-compose up --force-recreate

This option means "force to recreate containers even if there is no configuration file modification".

It seems I need to be careful when I modify the iptables configuration and learn docker system more...